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In Flaca Escopeta I talk about my relationship with my father since he passed away, through the use of photographs that evoke a feeling of stillness, silence and chaos; all at the same time.

“Flaca escopeta” translates to “little shotgun” in Spanish. In the rural areas of Argentina it is a common nickname or way to calling someone that is really skinny. It is typically used by conservative “gauchos” (cowboys) towards girls. My father used to call me that everyday since I was a child, therefore comparing my little legs with the barrel of a gun.

Florencia Villa: Text
Florencia Villa: Pro Gallery

This served as a stepping stone in my project, as I start to explore how my understanding of my own body has been shaped through his strong male gaze.

My father was a proper Argentinian “gaucho”, so during my entire childhood I grew up in a household that embodied the culture of Latin American machismos. There was juxtaposition of a loving father together with a patriarchal family structure. In Flaca Escopeta I explore the role of women in Argentinian culture and the objectification and sexualization that it implies.

The silence in my images not only represent my father’s death, but also the silence that women in Argentina were imposed with because of our repressive culture and history.

Florencia Villa: Text

Curated by Charlie Cluff

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