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I am a wildlife and pet portrait artist working in pastels and coloured pencil. During lockdown I felt a strong sense of wishing I could do something to help in the NHS, this was particularly acute as in a former life I was a doctor.
I decided to offer to draw animals by request as gifts for key workers and I am coming to the end of the 25 pictures promised. I used coloured pencil and the subject ranged from koalas and zebras to pet rabbits, birds and a bumblebee!
Paula Smith: Text
Paula Smith: Pro Gallery
I met such amazing people through the process, all so kind, caring and selfless. I saw the exhaustion, the tears and the worry, all for no expectation of rewards. It brought me a sense of peace that I was able to give something back and give them some joy. Alongside I was able to continue with my work in pastels, either for commissions or for my own enjoyment and I have brought some of that work to this exhibition, I hope you enjoy it.
Paula Smith: Text
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